Förra måndagen publicerades en intressant rapport för alla som arbetar med PR. Undersökningen har det korta och smidiga namnet The USC Annenberg Strategic PR Center’s fourth annual Public Relations Generally Accepted Practices (GAP) Study och finns nu att ladda ner i sin helhet som pdf-filer. De återkommande GAP-undersökningarna har följande mål:
"1. Provide PR practitioners with practical, applied research that will be of immediate use to them, thereby helping them improve their effectiveness and roles within their organizations.
2. Ascertain current Generally Accepted Practices (GAPs) and explore “Best Practices” for PR.
3. Identify gaps in knowledge requiring further investigation.
4. Assess the overall health and strength of the public relations profession.
5. Identify trends and emerging issues based on year-over-year comparisons of GAP data."