Ett verkligt convention för den virtuella världen Second Life anordnades i slutet av augusti i San Fransisco. PR-bloggaren Jeremy Pepper var där och skrev en del intressanta reflektioner. Han tar bland annat upp företagsetableringar. Att bygga sitt varumärke i den virtuella världen fungerar på samma sätt som i den vanliga. Det handlar bland annat om uthållighet och engagemang:
"If you think about it, brands comes from branding cows – it is companies branding you, owning you. If you want a big PR splash for your efforts, save your time and money. Consumers are not stupid, and you will do yourself more harm than good by going into Second Life. You are going to leave your brand as a ghost town – it’s about a sustained commitment. The companies that are brave enough to go forward, to keep their builds interesting, they are going to have to program content."